Photojournalism is one
of the most powerful and dramatic type of world press. There are many
raw and deeply moving photos that have shaken the world and stirred the
public. Every year the World Press Association gathers in Amsterdam to pick a picture of the year. Here’s every picture that has won since 1955 till 2011.
A competitor tumbles off his motorcycle
during the Motorcross World Championship at the Volk Mølle race course.
(Mogens von Haven)
A German World War II prisoner, released
by the Soviet Union, is reunited with his daughter. The child had not
seen her father since she was one-year-old. (Helmuth Pirath)
Dorothy Counts, one of the first black
students to enter the newly desegregated Harry Harding High School is
mocked by whites on her first day of school. (Douglas Martin)
1959: No contest held
A right-wing student in Japan
assassinates Inejiro Asanuma, Socialist Party Chairman, during his
speech at the Hibiya Hall. (Yasushi Nagao)
1961: No contest held
Priest Luis Padillo offers last rites to
a loyalist soldier who is mortally wounded by a sniper during military
rebellion against President Bétancourt at Puerto Cabello naval base in
Venezuela. (Héctor Rondón Lovera)
Buddhist monk Thich Quang Duc sets
himself ablaze in protest against the persecution of Buddhists by the
South Vietnamese government. (Malcolm W. Browne)
A mother and her children wade across a
river to escape US bombing. The US Air Force had evacuated their village
because it was suspected of being used as a base camp by the Vietcong.
(Kyoichi Sawada)
The body of a Vietcong soldier is
dragged behind an American armored vehicle en route to a burial site
after fierce fighting. (Kyoichi Sawada)
A young Catholic wears a gasmask during
clashes with British troops. People had been fleeing from teargas after a
night of street fighting. (Hanns-Jörg Anders)
1970: No contest held
During negotiations on the safe-conduct
of a group of criminals on the run, police superintendent Gross suddenly
shoots down gang leader Kurt Vicenik. The gang, who had disappeared
after a bank-robbery in Cologne, re-emerged near Saarbrücken, carrying a
hostage with them. A chase followed and the police and the robbers met
at Baltersweiler. The two other men were captured in a wild fight. The
men running away from the bullets are policemen. (Wolfgang Peter Geller)
Phan Thi Kim Phuc (center) flees with
other children after South Vietnamese planes mistakenly dropped napalm
on South Vietnamese troops and civilians. (Nick Ut)
Democratically elected President
Salvador Allende moments away from death during military coup at Moneda
presidential palace in Chile. (Orlando Lagos)
Police throw tear-gas at a group of
chanting residents of the Modderdam squatter camp protesting against the
demolition of their homes outside Cape Town. (Leslie Hammond)
A demonstrator is engulfed in flames of
the molotov cocktail he was about to throw at the police during protests
against the construction of the New Tokyo International Airport. The
original Narita Airport plan was unveiled in 1966. To acquire the
initial land, the government had to evict protesting landowners. Violent
clashes between the opponents and authorities resulted in 13 deaths,
including five police officers. The new airport opened in May 1978.
(Sadayuki Mikami)
Lt. Col. Antonio Tejero Molina orders
everyone to remain seated and be quiet after armed Guardia Civil
soldiers stormed the Assembly Hall of the Spanish Parliament. Three
hundred deputies and cabinet members were in session to vote upon the
succession of premier Suarez. They were released next morning after
having been held hostage for almost 18 hours; the coup was a failure.
(Manuel Pérez Barriopedro)
The war in Lebanon: The aftermath of the
massacre of Palestinians by Christian Phalangists in the Sabra and
Shatila refugee camps. (Robin Moyer)
Kezban Özer (37) finds her five children
buried alive after a devastating earthquake. At five o’clock in the
morning she and her husband were milking the cows as their children
slept. A few minutes later, 147 villages in the region were destroyed by
an earthquake of magnitude 7.1 on the Richter scale; 1,336 people died.
(Mustafa Bozdemir)
Omaira Sanchez (12) is trapped in the
debris caused by the eruption of Nevado del Ruíz volcano. After sixty
hours she eventually lost consciousness and died of a heart attack.
(Frank Fournier)
A mother clings to a riot policeman’s
shield at a polling station. Her son was one of thousands of
demonstrators arrested because they tried to prove that the presidential
election on December 15, which was won by the government candidate, had
been rigged. (Anthony Suau)
Family and neighbors mourn the death of
Elshani Nashim (27), killed during a protest against the Yugoslavian
government’s decision to abolish the autonomy of Kosovo. (Georges
US Sergeant Ken Kozakiewicz (23), gives
vent to his grief as he learns that the body bag at his feet contains
the remains of his friend Andy Alaniz. ‘Friendly fire’ claimed Alaniz’s
life and injured Kozakiewicz. On the last day of the Gulf War they were
taken away from the war zone by a MASH unit evacuation helicopter.
(David Turnley)
A mother carries her dead child to the
grave, after wrapping it in a shroud according to local custom. A bad
drought coupled with the effects of civil war caused a terrible famine
in Somalia which claimed the lives of between one and two million people
over a period of two years, more than 200 a day in the worst affected
areas. The international airlift of relief supplies which started in
July was hampered by heavily armed gangs of clansmen who looted food
storage centers and slowed down the distribution of the supplies by aid
organizations. (James Nachtwey)
Boys raise toy guns in a gesture of
defiance. The Palestinian uprising, which began in December 1987,
strengthened the Arab population in their determination to fight the
occupying force. In March Israel closed its border with Gaza, causing a
massive rise in unemployment. With more than 800,000 people contained in
the Israeli-patrolled, eight-km-wide strip of land, bloodshed increased
sharply. The peace agreement signed in Washington on September 13
promised limited authority for the Gaza Strip and a withdrawal of the
Israeli army. (Larry Towell)
A Hutu man at a Red Cross hospital, his
face mutilated by the Hutu ‘Interahamwe’ militia, who suspected him of
sympathizing with the Tutsi rebels. (James Nachtwey)
A bus on the road leading to Grozny
during fighting between Chechen independence fighters and Russian
troops. The civil war which erupted when President Yeltsin sent troops
to the rebellious province in December 1994 was still dragging on months
later. When the Chechen fighters fled Grozny, the capital, where the
war had claimed a horrendous human and material toll, Russian troops
pursued them into the countryside to the south and east. (Lucian
A woman is comforted by relatives and
friends at the funeral of her husband. The man was a soldier with the
ethnic Albanian rebels of the Kosovo Liberation Army, fighting for
independence from Serbia. He had been shot the previous day while on
patrol. (Dayna Smith)
A man walks the streets in one of the
largest gathering points for ethnic Albanian refugees fleeing violence
in Kosovo. (Claus Bjørn Larsen)
The mother of a Mexican immigrant family
makes piñatas to support herself and her children. The family numbers
among the millions of ‘uncounted’ Americans, people who for one reason
or another have been missed by the national census and so don’t exist in
population records. (Lara Jo Regan)
The body of a one-year-old boy who died
of dehydration is prepared for burial at Jalozai refugee camp. The
child’s family, originally from North Afghanistan, had sought refuge in
Pakistan from political instability and the consequences of drought. The
family gave the photographer permission to attend as they washed and
wrapped his body in a white funeral shroud, according to Muslim
tradition. In the overcrowded Jalozai camp, 80,000 refugees from
Afghanistan endured squalid conditions. (Erik Refner)
A boy holds his dead father’s trousers
as he squats beside the spot where his father is to be buried,
surrounded by soldiers and villagers digging graves for victims of an
earthquake in Armenia. (Eric Grigorian)
An Iraqi man comforts his four-year-old
son at a holding center for prisoners of war, in the base camp of the US
Army 101st Airborne Division near An Najaf. The boy had become
terrified when, according to orders, his father was hooded and
handcuffed. A soldier later severed the plastic handcuffs so that the
man could comfort his child. Hoods were placed over detainees’ heads
because they were quicker to apply than blindfolds. The military said
the bags were used to disorient prisoners and protect their identities.
It is not known what happened to the man or the boy. (Jean-Marc Bouju)
A woman mourns a relative killed in the
tsunami. On December 26, a 9.3 magnitude earthquake off the coast of
Sumatra, Indonesia, triggered a series of deadly waves that traveled
across the Indian Ocean, wreaking havoc in nine Asian countries, and
causing fatalities as far away as Somalia and Tanzania. (Arko Datta)
The fingers of malnourished Alassa
Galisou (1) are pressed against the lips of his mother Fatou Ousseini at
an emergency feeding center. One of the worst droughts in recent times,
together with a particularly heavy plague of locusts that had destroyed
the previous year’s harvest, left millions of people severely short of
food. (Finbarr O’Reilly)
A soldier of Second Platoon, Battle
Company of the Second Battalion of the US 503rd Infantry Regiment sinks
onto an embankment in the Restrepo bunker at the end of the day. (Tim
Detective Robert Kole of the Cuyahoga
County Sheriff’s Office enters a home, following mortgage foreclosure
and eviction. He needs to check that the owners have vacated the
premises, and that no weapons have been left lying around. (Anthony
Bibi Aisha, an 18-year-old woman from
Oruzgan province in Afghanistan, fled back to her family home from her
husband’s house, complaining of violent treatment. The Taliban arrived
one night, demanding Bibi be handed over to face justice. After a
Taliban commander pronounced his verdict, Bibi’s brother-in-law held her
down and her husband sliced off her ears and then cut off her nose.
Bibi was abandoned, but later rescued by aid workers and the U.S.
military. (Jodi Bieber)
A veiled woman holds a wounded relative
“inside a mosque used as a field hospital by demonstrators against the
rule of President Ali Abdullah Saleh, during clashes in Sanaa, Yemen.
(Samuel Aranda)
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