From female companions to friends to enemies,
there are plenty of hotties in BBC's sci-fi classic. Let's take a look
at a few of them!
Over the course of his
adventures, the Doctor has met a lot of lovely ladies. Some have followed him on his
travels, others have tried to kill him. These women come from all over the universe
and are played by some of the finest looking actresses in the business. Here
at UGO, we appreciate their beauty, and today, we will do our best to mention
every single hottie that has graced the sets of this unforgettable sci-fi icon
of a show. These women are in no particular order, because, as it can often be,
there is no clear-cut number one. Also, a general note, this list is humans (or
human-ish aliens) only, so the Forest of Cheem and the Menoptera will not be making an appearance.
Have we forgotten to include your fav? It's unlikely, but if we have, let us know! And please don't say Donna Noble or Dodo. This is a serious list.
Have we forgotten to include your fav? It's unlikely, but if we have, let us know! And please don't say Donna Noble or Dodo. This is a serious list.
Susan Foreman |
Let's start off with the
Doctor's own granddaughter, Susan. For the uninitiated, yes, our beloved Doctor
did have a granddaughter. If you
unravel the logical thread further, he must have had a child as well...
and a
wife. Hm. And remember how he said that cradle in "A Good Man Goes to
War" was
his? Lies, perhaps? Although the purists tend to disregard the
connection between the Doctor and Susan. What do you think? Talk about
it in the comments. But none of it truly matters because she was one
hell of a
hottie, granddaughter or not!
Vicki |
Vicki first meets the Doctor when the TARDIS
arrives on planet Dido. The Doctor discovers her as the only survivor
of a deadly spaceship crash and an even deadlier attack by a monster
called Koquillion. With his granddaughter choosing to leave behind her
travels in the TARDIS, the Doctor asks Vicki to join him. Vicki's
hotness was provided by the Irish actress Maureen O'Brien. And for those
of you asking, she was around 22 at the time.
Sara Kingdom |
jumpsuit-wearing Space Security agent, Sarah Kingdom, is not only hot
but also a complete badass. She weilds laser guns like she's some kind
of Lara Croft, and kicks ass all over the galaxy. The problem is,
however, that she unquesioningly obeys orders from her superiors. When
those orders turn out to be false and result in the death of her
brother, Sarah learns the error of her ways and goes on to help the
Doctor fight against the Daleks and their deadly invasion.
Polly |
Why are
secretaries so hot? I don't know, but Polly can give any of her
secretary colleagues a run for their money. She first meets the Doctor
when he and Dodo come to investigate the artificial intelligence known
as WOTAN, created by Polly's employer, Professor Brett. She then helps
the Doctor defeat WOTAN when the evil AI tries to, you guessed it, take
over the world. With Dodo deciding to stay in 1966, Polly joins the
doctor for a number of travels through time and space.
Victoria Waterfield |
Daughter of the
briliant scientist Edward Waterfield, Vidtoria quickly becomes embroiled
in a plot involving her father and the Daleks. Naturally, the Doctor
shows up to investigate. Through a long series of events, Edward
sacrifices his own life to help stop the Dalek menace. He makes the
Doctor swear to take care of his daughter, however, and our Doctor
elects to take Victoria aboard along with his other companion, Jamie.
This hottie from 1866 is far more than she appears to be, too. She is
strong, smart and sensible -- all hidden by a facade of frailty.
Zoe Heriot |
Much like
secretaries, librarians are also hot -- the younger ones, anyway. Zoe is
one such librarian with one added detail: she's from the future. She
works aboard the space station W3, also known as the Wheel. She aids the
Doctor in stopping a Cyberman invasion and quickly joins him aboard the
TARDIS for more adventure. Aside from being hot, Zoe is also a genius,
solving complex mathematics with the speed and certainty of a high-tech
computer. Now, her age is a bit of a mystery, but the actress playing her was at least 20 at the time, so calling her hot totally doesn't feel creepy.
Liz Shaw |
librarians... who else, who else... ah yes, scientists! Scientists are
hot! And that's just who Liz Shaw happens to be. She is an
Oxford-trained scientist, hired by the Brigadier to be UNIT's scientific
advisor. To add to her hotness, she holds degrees in several fields,
including physics, astronomy and medicine... so I guess that also makes
her a doctor -- and doctors are also hot. Her first encounter with our
Doctor came in the form of helping him defeat the Autons and the force
that controlled them.
Jo Grant |
Now, Jo is not a scientist or a librarian. She isn't even a secretary, but she is still
hot. She becomes the Doctor's companion when Liz Shaw leaves UNIT. Her
assignment, however, is purely due to the fact that her uncle is a
high-ranking UNIT officer. She is young, naive and not very bright. This
perplexes the Doctor, but he just hasn't got the heart to tell her and
ask the Brigadier for a new companion. But as hapless as she may have
been, Jo endured her fair share of adventures with the Doctor and proved
to be quite the companion.
The Rani |
Nobody's sure
why, but being evil appears to add to a person's hotness. Perhaps it's
the mystery, perhaps it's the icy coldness that it takes to commit evil
acts. In any case, the Rani has got the evil thing down pat. Some would
argue that she isn't really evil, though. There is some truth to that.
The renegage Timelady doesn't commit evil acts to take over the world! She
commits them all in the name of science. Simply put, she has no grasp
of the concept of good and evil, and does whatever it takes to get her
experiments completed -- including enslaving an entire planet's
population just to have enough test subjects and a quiet place to carry
out her SCIENCE!
Sarah Jane Smith |
Ah, Miss Sarah
Jane Smith, truly an icon among Whonerds. We first met her as a young
journalist who managed to sneak into a high-security facility using her
aunt's credentials. She soon meets the Doctor and helps him fight off a
deadly Sontaran invasion. There is more than just physical beauty to
Sarah Jane. She is smart, willful and is never afraid to stand up for
what she believes in. The fans of the show absolutely adored her. So
much so that the BBC has released a number of shows with her as the
star. Sadly, the actress who portrayed her, Elizabeth Sladen, passed
away on April 19, 2011, cutting The Sarah Jane Adventures short. We miss you, Liz.
Leela |
If you haven't
guessed by her outfit, Leela is a tribal girl. She is a member of the
Sevateem tribe, a savage group of individuals who turn out to be the
decendants of space travelers whose ship crashed on a stange and foreign
planet. In tact, the tribe's name is nothing but a badly garbled
version of the phrase "Survey Team." Unlike many of the Doctor's other
companions, Leela wasn't invited to join the TARDIS crew. She just sort
of barged in and stuck around with the Doctor, who was more than content
at the time to journey on his own.
Romana |
Now here's
another Timelady, but this one isn't evil. She is, however, a scientist,
and a damn good one at that. In fact, she starts out regarding the
Doctor as her inferior. With time, she does warm up to him however. She
even begins to respect him once she makes the important realization that
a person't worth isn't measured by how good they are at science. This
Timelady went through two regenerations before leaving the show, and
both of those regenerations were really, really hot. Unfortunately, if
the Doctor is to be believed -- rule 1, the Doctor lies -- Romana is
dead, and he is the only one of his race who still lives. Pity, we've
lost another hottie.
Tegan Jovanka |
Wow, so Doctor
Who is surely not short on "______ are hot" stereotypes. This time, it's
a stewardess -- or "Flight Attendant," as they claim they like to be
called. If she ever met Darth Vader, however, he would say "You are not a
flight attendant... yet." On her way to the first day of her job,
Tegan's car gets a flat tire. Seeking help, she stumbles into what she
believes to be a police box... we all know where she ends up. This
accidental meeting with the Doctor turns into a position on the TARDIS
crew, so in a way, Tegan really did get to become a flight attendant...
on a spaceship! As far as personality goes, this Aussie is bold, blunt
and completely unafraid to speak her mind. Oh, and she knows how to
handle a firearm, too.
Peri Brown |
Peri Brown's
adventure starts off with a bang. She meets the Doctor, the Master and
the Master's shape-shifter robot, Chameleon, all in one day. Like the
Doctor's other companions, she proves herself in a fight against the
Master. The fifth Doctor is more than happy to bring her along, but
there's a problem. He regenerates into a much surlier, meaner form. This
Doctor doesn't care much for Peri. He constantly berates and belittles
her, as he does most people. But Peri persists and the two eventually
form a strong bond. Oh, and her full name is Perpugilliam Brown. Don't
try to pronounce it.
Mel Bush |
Mel's story is
an interesting one. She first appears shown as the Doctor's longtime
companion. As it turns out, the Doctor is actually viewing an adventure
that he will eventually have with Mel before meeting her in his own
timeline... confused yet? Thought so. Interestingly enough, this
companion is the only one not to have her travels with the
Doctor aired on television. After all, the travels they supposedly had
didn't actually happen but are still to come. More confusion. One thing
isn't confusing, however. Mel is smart and good-looking. She's a
computer programmer, after all.
Ace |
Ace is the
classic example of an ugly childhood turning a potentially good girl
into a bad one. She had a horrible relationship with her mother, she's
been the target of racism, so naturally she turns herself into a "let's
go out and commit arson" punk girl, which is hot. Of course such
characters are practically begging to be redeemed. Through her
adventures with the Doctor, she grows close to him, believeng that the
Timelord needs her protection. As a result she defends him against all
enemies and is completely loyal to him.
Grace |
I'll be honest,
Grace is a bit of a nutcase. She is warm, kind and compassionate, but
she had a very burning revelation early in life. Ever since, she has
been living in hopelessness, knowing that try as she might, she cannot
hold back death. When she meets with the Doctor, she tries to operate on
his gunshot wounds and ends up killing him, not knowing that he is an
alien. And so the eighth Doctor makes it part of his mission to let
Grace see the happier side of life.
Rose Tyler |
This one's
certainly a very underrated hottie. Why? Because she was the first
companion to be featured in the Doctor Who reboot. Rose leads a fairly
standard life, working at the local department store and living with her
widowed mother. Everything changes when she stays late at the store one
night and is besieged by living plastic display dummies. That's when
she meets the Doctor. At first, our Timelord wants little to do with
her, but he soon warms up to Rose -- how could he not? -- and asks her
to travel with him aboard the TARDIS. Surprisingly, Rose rejects the
idea at first, but it doesn't take her long to change her mind.
Nyssa |
Our next hottie
may look human, but she's not. In fact, she's actually a native of the
planet Traken and daughter to the consul of the Traken Union. Nyssa
meets the Doctor and immediately proves herself by helping him defeat
the Master. But the Master would return to haunt her. Worse yet, he
returns disguised as her father, who was killed during their previous
encounter, and this makes Nyssa's hatred of him all that much more
intense. Having been tricked by him before, Nyssa slowly learns the
Master's tricks until she is able to see right through the Timelord's
plans and illusions.
Martha Jones |
Ah, another doctor for our
Doctor. Martha Jones is a physician in training, who meets our Doctor in a hospital.
Normal so far, right? Well, this hospital has been teleported to the Moon by a
race of sentient rhinoceros looking for a creature that survives by consuming
the blood of others. This is Doctor Who, did you really expect normalcy?
Didn't think so. But back to Martha. Besides being quite a looker, she's a
brilliant doctor, smart and very kind. In fact, she is even kinder than the
Doctor at times, befriending creatures that our Timelord had immediately pinned
as bad. What does she do after her travels in the TARDIS? She joins a secret paramilitary
organization created for the purpose of defending against extraterrestrial
threats. Hot.
Jenny |
David Tennant
was recently named the hottest man in the world. It is only fitting,
then, that the Doctor he plays gets a "daughter" who is this strikingly
hot. Jenny isn't technically a daughter but a fast-gen clone, created
from the Doctor's cells. At first, the Doctor claims that she cannot be
his daughter and is, in fact, nothing but a soulless clone. But how
could you not warm up so a girl like that? So he does. What makes this
even more interesting, of course, is that Tennant later started dating
and married this girl, which totally isn't creepy because they're only
related on the show. In real life, they're married and have a kid.
Astrid Peth |
Astrid is an intergalactic
waitress. She meets the Doctor on the spaceship Titanic and helps him thwart a
devious plan to destroy the ship as well as the people of Earth. Aside from
being caring and loyal, she's also quite hot. And being played by THE Kylie
Minogue certainly helps that quite a bit. Initially, Astrid was devised as a
long-time companion, but by the time the episode was ready to film, she was
reduced to a one-time appearance. Pity, having Kylie Minogue in more
episodes would be quite a treat.
Lady Christina DeSouza |
character who is strong and fun. Lady Christina DeSouza is a wealthy
noblewoman who is bored with her life. So she becomes a sexy thief, a-la
Virginia Baker in Entrapment, tight
leather clothes and all. She is smart, resourceful and can give Tom
Cruise a run for his money when it comes to dangling off a wire and
decending slowly to retrieve some object or another. Christina proves to
be more than a match even for our Doctor when she takes the lead in an
operation and starts doling out orders to the others. We leave her
operating a flying double-decker bus with adventure just around the
corner. Who knows, maybe she'll even pop back in a future episode. I
sure hope so.
Amy Pond |
We first meet
the adult Amy Pond dressed as a skanky kisogramm girl. Good start. She
then goes on to win our hearts and minds with her bravery, her hotness
and her awesome Scottish accent. Amy is much more than just eyecandy,
however. Like many women on Doctor who, she is also very well-written.
She's smart, strong and full of spirit, always ready for adventure. And
that, writers take note, makes her even hotter. Because a hot
damsel-in-distress gets very boring very quickly. There's no substance
to girls like that. Amy, meanwhile has it all. Simply amazing!
River Song |
Let's close this list off with one of the most beloved Doctor Who characters, River Song.
She first met the Doctor in a gigantic library, besieged by living
shadows. Back then, the Doctor knew nothing of her, but she knew
everything about him. How is that possible? Well, they are both time
travelers, and their timelies are intertwined backwards. Every time they
meet, the Doctor knows her more and she knows the Doctor less. A
beautiful love story with a really hot girl. On top of all that, River
can shoot a gun like she'd been trained to do it from birth... which she
has, and that makes her even hotter.
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