You know it’s terrible to imagine a world without the existence of girls in it. So, the developers made sure to drop some bombshells in the virtual world of gaming too. The following list is a compilation of some the sexiest outfits that chicks have worn in the video games since eternity.
Now I am sure most of you have no idea who this chick is but thanks to Princess Daphne, we did not have to use our imaginations at all as to what this chick is wearing. It was drawn out for us. Literally! oh so drawn out for us. Considering the fact that she is animated chick, she gives Jessica Rabbit a run for her money and we like Miss Jessica Rabbit.
9. IVY
Sometimes, it isn’t how little you wear that makes you look hot, it is how you wear what ever it is that you are wearing. The Zero suit of Samus is just that, it is a full piece spandex suit that leaves nothing to the imagination and yet covers all of her body. Makes you wonder whether the get up of Angelina Jolie in tomb raider was inspired from this.
If you have been looking for the anti-christ version of Sarah Palen it is Bayonetta. She has a lot of things going for her, starting from sexy glasses, to the cat like suit that is slit from places that leaves one gawking with excitement, and oh did I mention her killer heels which are like sky high and that too with guns in them. Now how she struts her stuff with all of that is beyond my imaginations.
The Oracle from God of War, well that dress is hardly a dress! No more words people we are officially out!
Okay so I admit that her face makes her look like some caked up baby looking for her daddy but bad girl is pretty much every Japanese businessman’s wet dream. Why, well let’s see: School girl out fit, check; Stockings, check; Baseball bat, Check. Like I said every Japanese business man’s fantasy. Oh and we like the attitude too, a perfect match: “You have no right to look at me like that!”.
Okay so Cammy’s regular outfit is like hot but dude! have you seen her in her ultimate snow outfit! I wouldn’t even call it a full outfit because it is practically nothing but a snow jacket and a couple of knee high snow boots which girls call FMB’s (well we had better not reveal the full form so you might as just google it). Just to get the record straight, it is really hard writing for this particular list without actually making men sound like absolute pervs (my sincere apologies).
So there is a classy hot and then there is skanky hot! Poison has skanky hot working all over for her. With her pink hair, biker shorts and itty bitty shirt, hot has to be the perfect word that defines her.
2. MAI
Mai from the fatal furry series is one hot piece of ace! To top it all she has a skimpy red outfit to go with it. What I mean is that her outfit really caters to every kind of guy for example she has the sandle slash glove thing going on for the sporty guys, the sophisticated yet sexy dress for those dudes who like class, and she even has tail like thing for all you freaks who have a thing for fur.
Well most you might be sitting out there thinking what the hell is this? Well this ladies and gentle man, is Mrs Pac Man! So how did she score the first place? Well enlighten me, what does Mrs Pac Man wear? Well that is right, a bow and lipstick! Nothing else. So to sum it up, lipstick, bow and trying to eat some balls, well you still thinking why she ended up on number one on this list.
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