I’m not really a lover of heights, so looking over the edge of a
cliff or staring down into a canyon is not really my favourite pastime.
However for some people it is and they get a real thrill from living
life on the edge – in some cases quite literally as you’ll see from
these photos. Good luck to them – although I can’t really see too many
of them making it past 30. Have you ever been crazy enough to pull off
one of these stunts?
The view better be worth the hike
Has he not seen 127 hours?? It's going to end in tears.
Not sure how much the helmet will help here
Ah yeah, totally do-able. Sissies.
A nice relaxing sleep. Shotgun the bed closest to the wall.
It's fine, just water below.
Killer boots man

Not even sure what's going on here but it reeks of danger
How did he change his shoes up there?
Impressive view, shame that fella got in the way of the pic
Impressive view, shame that fella got in the way of the pic
Crazy World of all of them .. lol